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Qty Discounts Available
- for orders over 50 trays + additional discounts when placed 16 weeks in advance
This medium sized Leucanthemum has compact, dark green foliage with strong upright stems. The Blooms have lemon-yellow petals surrounding a yellow button eye. The petals age to soft butter yellow then finally ivory.
£40.80 100 Plants / Tray | £39.30 50 Plants / Tray | £42.30 50 Plants / Tray | £84.00 50 Plants / Tray | £45.60 50 Plants / Tray |
£42.30 50 Plants / Tray | £45.60 50 Plants / Tray | £40.80 100 Plants / Tray | £37.20 50 Plants / Tray | £47.40 50 Plants / Tray |