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- for orders over 50 trays + additional discounts when placed 16 weeks in advance
- A. pyrethrum var. depressus f. compactum 'Silberkissen'; ‘Silver Cushion’
A prostrate, mat-forming, sometimes short-lived, grey-green, semi-evergreen perennial with rosettes of finely-divided, grey-green leaves. In early summer, short stems bear red buds opening to white daisy flowers with yellow centres, reddish-purple on the reverse of the petals.
100 Plants / Tray | 100 Plants / Tray | 50 Plants / Tray | 100 Plants / Tray | 100 Plants / Tray |
100 Plants / Tray | 50 Plants / Tray | 100 Plants / Tray | 50 Plants / Tray | 50 Plants / Tray |