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- for orders over 50 trays + additional discounts when placed 16 weeks in advance
A decorative foliage plant; with mounds of beautiful, lacy foliage in a deep bronze-purple colour. In late spring and early summer, mounds of tiny pink-tinted white flowers are held aloft on tall dark stems giving architectural interest well into autumn, and are well loved by butterflies. Also great for cut flower arrangements and adding form and interest to the border or a large container display.
50 Plants / Tray | 100 Plants / Tray | 50 Plants / Tray | 50 Plants / Tray | 50 Plants / Tray |
100 Plants / Tray | 50 Plants / Tray | 100 Plants / Tray | 50 Plants / Tray | 50 Plants / Tray |