Cordyline australis

Cordyline australis

Relatively narrow mid-green spiky leaves.

Price: £37.26 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

Unit Description:

18 Plants / Rack





Flowering Time:


Height x Spread:

600 x 200 cm

Available to Order:

February - August

Recommend Sales:

February - November


Consumer Information

Narrative Description:

Relatively narrow mid-green spiky leaves.

Ideal Conditions:

Prefers full sun, or partial shade with free-draining soil or compost.

Possible Situation:

Perfect for use as an architectural plant in a container or planted out in a raised bed or border situation.

Accreditations /

RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)





Height x Spread / Trail:

600 x 200 cm


Typical Season:


Flower Colour:

Foliage Colour:


Flowering Time:


Planting Recommendations:


Raised Bed



Full Sun

Part Sun

Temperature Tolerance:

A hardy plant which will survive normal winter conditions outside, especially if protected from the worst frosts.

Plant Care:

Cultural Information









Recommended Pot Sizes:


Pot Spacing:

Leave enough room so that foliage does not overlap within crop time.

Typical time required from pot to sale:

36 weeks over Winter

20 weeks in Spring / Summer

Based on producing a finished pot size of 1L for plug products and 2L for liner products. (*)

Growing Media / Irrigation / Water Capacity:

Free draining - keep evenly moist

Feeding / Fertilser
(during crop time):

NPK balanced feeding

Feeding Frequency:

Requires normal/regular feeding (Standard EC)

Recommended pH:

4.5 to 5.0

Growth Regulation PGR:

Due to the current approval situation, please contact your PGR provider

Temperature During Production:

Cool crop 4 - 12°C

Temperature During Transport:



Available for Delivery:

February - August

Recommended Sales Window:

February - November

Forecast Availability:


Please note: this forecasted availability is a guide only. Quantities can be increased or produced earlier on request.

Point of Sale Material:

XL 15cm (£1.89)

P&D Susceptibility

Common Pests:

Common Diseases:

Other Info:

Suffer from tip burn caused by the inability of the plant to transpire enough to get the calcium into the leaf edges and growing points so cell breakdown occurs. This shows as a brown leaf margin and like any dead tissue will be prey to fungus like botrytis that can then attack the living tissue. Transpiration can be improved by reducing humidity such as raising the temperature or by purging with fresh air through the vents, typically early in the morning unless foggy or humid outside. Calcium is rarely short in the compost they simply cannot lift it. Calcium sprays help such as Wuxal or even feed grade calcium Nitrate. The latter goes on at 5g per litre every couple of weeks say in with a fungicide and a wetter helps.

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Additional Notes (*):

All information provided is based on producing a default finished pot size of 1L for our plug products, and 2L for 7cm and 9cm liner products. For alternative pot sizes please adjust cultural notes accordingly.

Finishing times - Based on average estimated climatic and environmental conditions, and are for guidance purposes only.

Temperature – These conditions assume a protected ornamental growing environment. Recommended growing is generally above 5°C.

Feeding – Does not specify controlled release or liquid fertiliser application. This choice will depend on your conditions, requirements and preferences – please contact your fertiliser consultant for suitable products to meet your requirements.

Growing media and pH – Is shown for guidance purposes only - please contact your growing media consultant for suitable growing media to meet your requirements.


This information is for guidance purposes only and is based upon our own growing environment and experience during trials. It is wise to use your own knowledge about your growing conditions and local environment in order to make informed cultural decisions.

Qty Discounts Available

  • for orders over 50 trays + additional discounts when placed 16 weeks in advance

Min Order 10 Trays

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